Monday, May 25, 2009


...for life :)

yeaaaaaa so thats WHAT i'll say. Umn today was very eventful...well not really, more painful than anything but im happy with the turn out !!!!! Check the Video this is my first You tube attempt at Vlogging so yea hit me up !


p.s. its not done yet :) so dont be too critical


chaRlie Bee said...

oFFiciAL tiSSuE hOmiE...viDeO gaMe iS proPer...ii wish i could heard what u were saying tho

MinaLo said...

yea i wasn't yelling enough....just put the volume on high :)

LUDA said...

that's awesome, i wanna see it up close. i was hurt like no one's business but i'm a baby and mine is definitely no where near your tat's size.

MinaLo said...

haha girl i was so threwwwwwww i blasted my ipod so i wouldn't hear the buzzing and then just flexed my muscles every time he put the needle...i was holding my breath all kinds of shit lol but i made t. IM A WARRIOR

Umi-San said...

it looks amazing mad props, welcome to the club chicka, from here out it becomes an obsessions.

MinaLo said...

oh gosh i hope i dont get obsessed lol but thanks, im happy to be in the club of body marked sinners ahahaa

L a u r a said...

Who in the world were you talking to in the process? lol

MinaLo said...

BAHAHAHA, Inga and Kaylannie i just needed to talk to someone so i wouldn't hear the buzzing. Eventually i just blasted my ipod so i didn't hear anything.

Dee said...

MINAAAAAAAAAA, you crazy! That looks super hawtness though!!!! Hurt much??

MinaLo said...

Thanks Dee. yea, you bet it hurt....imm GUTTAH tho.